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Aim to Achieve

Updated on December 27, 2012


There are things you can do to aim to achieve
There are things you can do to aim to achieve | Source

The Path to Achievement

Everything begins with a thought. Where are you going? Whether, from a New Year’s resolution, a life altering experience, a need for change, or a myriad of other reasons, we all seek successful change.

Do you have a clear idea of what achievement looks like to you? Opportunities, luck, and our state of mind are part of the package that helps us aim to achieve. But there is much more to gaining accomplishments than this.

Be Specific Be Successful

Think about what specific things you need to do to make this happen. Only your actions will yield results. Just thinking about doing something is not doing it.

Think of the reason you want to accomplish what you want to do. Find a way to motivate yourself and give yourself the encouragement to achieve.

Specific targets, clear cut words, and precise numbers will help you see exactly, the direction you need to take to get there. Knowing exactly what you want will help you get where you want to go.

State Specific Targets

Examples of Vague Targets
Examples of Specific Targets
Examples of Action to Take
I want to exercise more
I will exercise 3 times a week
I will go to the gym Mon, Wed, and Fri
I want to save more money
I will save $100 a week
I will eat out less often
I want to lose weight
I want to lose 20 pounds
I will drink water with every meal, instead of cola

The More Specific Your Statements, The More You Will See Your Achievements.

Aim to Achieve

Action leads to achieving.
Action leads to achieving. | Source

Action is Achieving

Take action when the opportunity arises. Sometimes we get busy, procrastinate, or forget. Seizing the moment will increase your chances of success.Taking action will always help you achieve. Doing nothing will get you nowhere. Doing something will show what your efforts can yield. Even if your efforts are not successful, you can learn from what you have done. The more you do, the more opportunities will present themselves.

The Things You Learn From Action

When you take action, you will always learn more about yourself and how to make inroads towards your objective.

  • if your actions lead to some mistakes,you will have at least tried
  • you will learn how to respond to adversity
  • you will learn who is there to support you
  • you will learn how to do it better on your next attempt
  • if your action showed you that it is not feasible to continue with the ideas you originally had, you can learn to accept what is, what you can do, and what your next possibilities are
  • action fills you with energy. When you have energy you can do more and continue to go forward. As you go forward, you can adjust so that your aim remains realistic and on target.
  • any action is an achievement. Achieving any small steps can make a significant impact on yourself.
  • take action and you will learn about your abilities and learn to manage your own resources, which will keep you motivated and focused. Action will help you discover things about yourself, like your inner strength, and your ability to manage and maintain relationships. You will learn just how strong your self esteem is.
  • action will help you gain an appreciation for who you are, and your own resilience. You will develop a sense of resilience, even if your actions fail, as long as you try again. Action helps you believe in yourself
  • action will give you hope that you can accomplish. Action will give you insight about what you can do.
  • action will teach you how big the obstacles are, and teach you how to get beyond them.

Make Yopur Aim Have Personal Meaning

Your desire to accomplish is greater when it has personal meaning to you
Your desire to accomplish is greater when it has personal meaning to you | Source

Make Your Achieving Have Personal Meaning

Talk to other people. Read about other people's achievements. Most people will tell you of their great successes, and that they came with many failures. Don’t fear your failures, learn from them.

Think strategically by evaluating what you want to do. Research what you need to learn. Reflect about what you have learned. Figure out what your next steps are. Map out how you will do it and stay on task. If other people are involved, be sure to communicate what your strategy is to them. Use insight, and allocate your resources wisely. Then delegate where you can so that you can accomplish your desires.

Make sure the”brass ring” you are after is something you really desire, not something you are doing because of someone else’s expectations. Be true to yourself. The more your target means to you, the more you will want to accomplish it.

Think positive thoughts to help keep yourself motivated. Keeping yourself focused on the prize isn't always easy. Life is full of things that deter us from the path we would like to be on. It is not easy to continue when we have obstacles in our way. To keep from being discouraged, a good attitude is important in order to reach our desired objective. It is better to be prepared than naively think everything will go your way. Positive thoughts that are realistic are the best chance you can give yourself for success.

Step by Step Milestones

Set out to accomplish realistic milestones. Sometimes you can keep yourself motivated by achieving small steps than waiting to accomplish only the big ones. Compartmentalizing and dividing what you need to do can help you to keep going. It can help to have several paths preset so that you are looking at alternatives from every vantage point.

Write a step by step list of everything you need to do to get where you want to go. A.S.K. Understand your Abilities,Skills, Knowledge and utilize these as your tools for accomplishing and keeping yourself motivated. You don’t have to be able to do everything well, you don’t have to be an expert at everything, and you don’t need to know everything. What you do need to do is an honest self assessment, so that you can play to your own strengths and enlist help with your weakest qualities.

Monitor your progress. Knowing where you are going, and where you are at this moment, will help you know how far you have to go and what you have to do next. It will also help keep you on task. If you have diverted from your target or your strategy is not working the way you thought it would, you can reassess and change what you have been doing. Flexibility is a very important tool in aiming to achieve. Whether you check your progress daily, weekly, or monthly is up to you and what you are trying to do.

Tips From Achievers

  • Believe in yourself and believe that what you can do is important as you reach towards new heights. Believe in the versatility of human nature, the flexibility of your abilities, and ability that you have to make the right choices.
  • Be prepared to modify your expectations. Things change all the time. Sometimes the things you thought were worth pursuing turn out not to be. It is helpful to constantly evaluate what your objectives are and get rid of the ideas that will not further you, and may just busy you.
  • Accept change and your ability to adjust as you need to. The journey towards reaching your objective is as much about learning as it is to get there. As you learn, you will get better and better.
  • Stamina is an important quality to succeed. A stick to it attitude is the only way you will get where you want to go. Successful people will not be deterred from the big picture they see.
  • By looking at the small milestones you have achieved you can validate to yourself that you have accomplished some things. This helps you to see that your efforts are leading you someplace.
  • Visualization and guided imagery are excellent ways to keep yourself focused and motivated. It also helps you feel like the result you are striving for is something realistic.

Keep Yourself Motivated

Keep your eye on the ball. Keep your motivation high. Motivation is what compels us to do things for a greater purpose. With strong motivation we can get over any obstacle, work hard, and have a determination no one will be able to take you away from. As you aim to achieve, motivation is the engine that makes the desire to achieve real.
To keep yourself motivated:

  • start small so that you can see your accomplishments
  • have one and only one objective so that you are not taking on too much.
  • understand the reasons you want to achieve this.
  • do this for reasons that really mean something to you
  • communicate what you want to do with someone you trust
  • let yourself be inspired, whether it is from a mentor, or a role model, or something you saw on tv, feel the passion so that you generate energy and anticipation of good things.
  • think positive thoughts
  • build on your prior and even your smallest successes
  • on the days when you don’t feel as motivated, look for inspiration from your spirituality,, your mentors, your role models, your friends, family, and within yourself.
  • help yourself to continue to strive as you watch yourself make progress, no matter how big or small. Celebrate your successes as you go.
  • reward yourself and set up appropriate rewards beforehand so you look forward to these accomplishments. Setup small milestones so you don’t have to wait too long for these rewards.
  • sometimes it helps to get a motivation coach to keep yourself motivated
  • be disciplined so that you make progress each day. If you skip one day it is okay, but don’t skip two days, because that might lead to abandonment of your project.
  • visualize your success. Create images of what success smells, looks, and feels like to you.

In Case You Feel Like Giving Up...

Be realistic and be self aware. Be honest with yourself and don’t give up on yourself or your dreams. Greatness has known the feelings of giving up, but summon the courage to pursue, to persevere, to prove that their belief is bigger than any obstacle before them.

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"Thomas Edison dreamed of a lamp that could be operated by electricity, began where he stood to put his dream into action, and despite more than ten thousand failures, he stood by that dream until he made it a physical reality. Practical dreamers do not quit." - Napoleon Hill


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