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Attitude of Achievers

Updated on June 18, 2013

Achievement and Attitude

Achievement starts with your attitude.
Achievement starts with your attitude. | Source

What You Do Matters

There are specific things you can do to accomplish what you set out to do. As you aim to achieve take meaningful and purposeful steps because what you do matters.

Whether it is a New Year’s Resolution or a long desired dream you have been yearning, it is important to have a clear idea of what your dream looks like. What do you envision? What do you see that gives you the motivation to surpass obstacles, difficulties, committment to persevere and see it through completion? What does success look like and feel like once you have achieved your dream?

The more definitively you can answer these questions, the more likely you will get where you want to go. It is important to be specific, to see your accomplishments, to imagine the feeling. This will keep you focused on what you need to do. When you know what your desires look like, you will know the path to get there, and most importantly, you will recognize that you have succeeded, after all.

Spell out in very specific detail what you want to accomplish. For example, if you want to lose weight, say the number of pounds you want to lose he weight. If you want to save more money, tell yourself how much you want to save. If you want to socialize more, tell yourself how you will do it.

Aim to Achieve and Work at What You Do

Aiming to achieve involves hard work, more than the concept of a brilliant idea. It takes persistence, patience, and unwavering commitment to achieve. Having a well executed strategy is one of the best tools you can have to achieve your dreams. There is no guarantee you will achieve everything you set out to do, but you definitely stack the odds in your favor by working hard to achieve. Working hard doesn't mean you have to be miserable. In fact, you should be having fun along the way. If you are working towards something you truly want, working hard won’t seem like work all the time. Working hard means you are focused and dedicated to making it to the finish line.

  • Make sure what you are looking to do, you can state clearly and specifically so that it is well defined.
  • Make sure it is realistic and attainable and that you will know when you have achieved it.
  • Set out a path to achieve. that allows you to realistically use your own resources -A.S.K. abilities, skills, and knowledge.
  • Is your time frame realistic. Do you have enough time your objective?

Learn what you need to learn. Learn more than you need to learn. If you are looking to get ahead in your career, it is helpful to learn your job and other people’s. The more you know, the more you can help yourself get ahead.

Work hard in your company so that you have a valuable role. by making yourself be vital in your company, you will make yourself indispensable. By understanding what your boss and upper management needs, you are showing your versatility, and abilities that go further than the limits of your current position.

Increase Your Tendency to Take Action

Be a problem solver. Every situation has difficulties that you may not anticipate. Every situation is harder at some points than you might have thought. If you have the committment to see it through so that you accomplish what you imagine, you will not let the obstacles get in your way.

Some problems you can solve by yourself, and for some, you might have to seek help from others. That is okay. No man is an island and when you really want to accomplish something, nothing will stand in your way, and there are always people that you can seek help from. To solve things yourself, critical thinking, being efficient, and collaborating with others will help you aim to achieve.

Attitude is everything. If you believe you can achieve. But believing is only the start.

It takes committment. Sometimes you may have to put in longer hours, or do things you may not like, but if you really believe in what you are doing, this won’t stop you. It is always the bigger picture.

People who achieve act when the opportunity exists. When they see the moment, they take action, and don’t procrastinate. Seizing the moment usually involves being decisive and sure about what they want to do. It becomes easier to take action when your objectives are specific, and your direction is clear.

You can increase your tendency to be able to take action when the moment strikes by using thinking strategically. Be focused, think ahead, have perspective, be curious, ask questions, coordinate your efforts.

  • Evaluate, review, and think about your progress. Knowing how far you have to go will help you keep yourself focused on what else you have to do. Be honest with yourself so that you can help yourself realize why you are where you are. You can make modifications to your behavior and adjust your strategies. Know your abilities, skills, and knowledge so that you can play to your strengths and passions, and minimize your weaknesses. A.S.K. - abilities, skills, knowledge will take you where you want to go. By monitoring your progress and yourself you can adjust what you are doing before you go off course too much. If you are progressing the way you want to, it will help keep you motivated.
  • Having a positive attitude and being optimistic will help keep you focused. Believing in yourself and why you are doing this will help sustain your motivation. Achieving your desires will be filled with obstacles and difficulties. Being realistic, and not underestimating what it takes to achieve is an important factor in getting where you want to go. Be prepared and face the hardships head on to increase your chances of succeeding.

Focus and Achieve

Being true to yourself means knowing exactly what you want and having a plan to achieve it. Lasting self-confidence comes when you absolutely know that you have the capacity to get from where you are to wherever you want to go. You are behind the wheel of your life. You are the architect of your destiny and the master of your fate.
Instead of being preoccupied with the fear of failure and loss, as most people are, you focus on the opportunity and the possible gains of achievement. With a clearly defined track to run on, you become success-oriented, and you gradually build your confidence up to the stage where there is very little you will not take on.

You can raise your self-confidence instantly by the simple act of committing yourself to becoming excellent in your chosen field. You immediately separate yourself from the average individual who drifts from job to job and accepts mediocrity as the adequate standard.

There is good, there is better, and there is best. As you aim to achieve, have an attitude to aim to do better, instead of only aiming to do good. Focus on doing better, and you are a step away from doing your best.

It is very good to believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your desires and dreams. And the right attitude means that you also believe you can attain the ability, even if you don’t have it yet. Our personalities, our intelligence, and our aptitude to achieve have a flexibiity that allows us to do things we may not have been able to do previously. We can change our thinking, acquire new skills, make better decisions, and choose to reach more of our fuller potential.
By looking to make yourself better, you will take on a attitude to tackle some obstacles, difficulties and fears that good would be content to leave in your way.

Having an attitude to achieve means committing for the long haul. Can you see the bigger picture? Envisioning what you want will give you greater determination to go beyond the difficulties before you. Persistence and tenacity, and a stick to it attitude is the the thinking that achievers have.

There is no difference in the abilities you have compared to the successful people you would like to emulate. Embrace your dreams, and go for it!


Is There Something You Are Looking to Achieve?

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Getting an Achieving Attitude

Gather up your will power and your self control will grow stronger daily. Take on little challenges, even if you would rather be doing something else, and you will build more and more will power.

Help yourself to not give up until you have reached a milestone, one that makes you proud, a sense of satisfaction and smile within yourself. Step by step, challenge by challenge you will start to get an attitude of an achiever. Be gentle with yourself too. Don’t try to take on too big a challenge, or too many challenges at once. Often getting where you want to go is harder than it seems. You don’t want to burn yourself out. Be humble, don’t become over confident because of your successes. Being realistic is a very important aspect of achieving. Take on an attitude of focusing on what you can do, frame it in a positive outlook.

To gain an attitude of achieving

  • Know what you want. Be as specific as you can.
  • Make what you want to achieve, something you really want, not something to please someone else.
  • Make a strategy. Make it realistic. Make it practical. Make it functional.
  • Be devoted to your beliefs. Give what you've got.
  • Look to achieve better and better within yourself. Set high, but realistic standards. This will help you match your strategy.
  • Go step by step. Help yourself acquire the skills that you need to get where you want to go.
  • Everyday take action. Be productive. Be proactive. Don’t be passive.
  • Look, listen, and learn. Be aware of yourself, your surroundings, your actions. Listen to what is going on around you. Listen to people you trust. Listen to those who have wisdom you can use. Learn from others. Get a mentor. Read and acquire knowledge that will further your abilities.
  • Use your own common sense. Don’t just listen to what everyone or anyone says. Separate the wisdom from the wisecracks. Use your sense of reasoning and logic to understand if there are self serving underlying motivations behind some comments.
  • Don’t be discouraged because of some setbacks. If this is truly something you want to do, nothing will stop you.
  • Have alternative ideas so that you have flexibility to make changes as they arise.
  • Re-evaluate what you have done, where you are and where you want to be. Often changes need to be made as see our vision play out.
  • Think positive. Be positive. Act positive.
  • Challenge your doubts. Questions your fears.
  • Dissect the obstacles into the smallest doable parts.
  • Keep yourself motivated.
  • Visualize what you want for yourself.
  • Take action. Be purposeful in your actions. Make your motions meaningful.
  • Follow your intuition. Seek out opportunities. Realize your potential.
  • Accept help from other people.

Know where you what to go, it makes it easier to get there. With each step you take, it is your attitude that will proper you farther and further.


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