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Benefits of Inspiration

Updated on September 15, 2012

How to Be Inspired

Inspiration transcends us to do new things
Inspiration transcends us to do new things | Source

How Do You Get Inspired?

Inspiration helps us transcend beyond the ordinary to new possibilites and unexplored potentials. We can’t see inspiration, we can’t touch inspiration, we can’t measure inspiration. But inspiration is real and it is powerful.

When we are touched by inspiration, we can do more than we imagined. Inspiration matters. Inspiration comes to us spontaneously. Inspiration allows us to remove self imposed limitations and motivates us to take a new approach than we usually would have done.

Inspiration brings us to new levels of clarity, a new awareness, new thoughts that provoke imagery that make us believe our achievements are possible. We become motivated to take action.

What Are the Characteristics of Inspired People?

Research has shown, inspired people tend to have similar traits.

People who are inspired usually are:

  • more open to new experiences
  • become more absorbed in their tasks.
  • inspiration is something that happens to you, you can’t will it upon yourself.
  • Inspired people have a strong drive to do things well. They were less likely to be competitive.
  • Inspired people are more intrinsically motivated and less extrinsically motivated
  • perception of the intrinsic value and how attainable it is makes an object inspiring
  • Inspired people have a stronger belief in their own abilities
  • They report higher self esteem
  • Inspired people are more optimistic
  • Inspired people feel they are good at what they do

Inspiration Has Many Positive Aspects

Inspiration and positive feelings about oneself are connected. People who experience being in an inspirational state, reported higher levels of spirituality and meaning. Inspiration propels creativity.

Inspired people believe they have the ability to be more creative. People who were granted a patent for something reported being more inspired, more frequently, and more intensely, than people who do not have a patent.

People who are inspired, tend to be more efficient and productive than non inspired people. There is a link between inspiration and creativity since creative people tend to see possibilities beyond the existing limitations.

People who feel more inspired, tend to set higher, more inspired dreams for themselves. Researcher believe the relationship between feeling inspired and those who seek to aspire towards greater things are recipricol. In studies done, individuals who felt inspired reported that they felt more purpose, meaning, and gratitude in their lives.

Inspiration is Good for Us

Inspiration is good for our overall well being too.

Achieving greater satisfaction in our lives,is strongly related to a feeling of a more positive future.
Inspiration is something that happens spontaneousl to us.We can’t will it upon ourselves, and those people who do, tend to put more pressure on themselves.

Research has proven that there are things we can do to be more open to inspiring moments.

Important Things You Can Do to Be Inspired

  • Openness to experiences
  • Work mastery is very important
  • Having an open mind
  • Having an approach oriented attitude
  • Achieving small accomplishments
  • Being around inspired people
  • Having a positive attitude
  • Having a strategic vision
  • Self empowerment
  • Being motivated
  • Accumulating and sharing knowledge
  • Encouraging your creativity
  • Challenging the status quo

The Power of Inspiraton

Inspiration has power, potency, and potential for everyone. Inspiration can impact everything it touches and positively influence all that are affected by it.

Inspiration is more than just words, more than just a desire to achieve. Inspiration gives us a greater sense of purpose, that we have connected to something bigger than ourselves. We feel alive, vibrant, driven.

When our efforts have a sense of value, we feel gratitude. Inspiration can give us a feeling of awe and wonder, of amazement, and of humbleness.

Inspiration can feel like a gift, and when we embrace it, we take our attention off of our other concerns and focus on something that we respect and admire.

Inspiration energizes us, and motivates us to take action. A certain sense of spirituality embodies us and this enables us to transcend beyond our ordinary selves.

Some people find inspiration in religion. Some people find inspiration in nature. Some people find inspiration in the people around them.

If you are seeking to be more inspired, don’t sit around and wait for it to find you. Look for inspiration in everyday things, from your own efforts, from the actions you have yet to take.

Brainstorming Helps Inspire People

When people come together and share their ideas, inspiration grows
When people come together and share their ideas, inspiration grows | Source

The Seeds of Inpiration

Inspiration awaits you from the smallest chore, in the smallest compliment, in the peacefulness of a nature walk, from a little child, and from a simple task done to the best of your ability.

Inspiration is unique to each person. It is a spark that creates passion and purpose. It is the fuel that helps us endure the challenges, obstacles, and negativity that we all encounter.

What is it that you really want to do? Within in are all the answers. Around you is enough inspiration to energize you. Opportunities await you for prosperity, for success, for satisfaction, so that you can flourish and grow. And maybe you will be able to inspire a child, or another person so the seeds of inspiration will grow within them too.

Research has proven, that inspiration does not happen in a bubble.
The greatest thinkers throughout history, it was found, usually worked closely with other great minds. This why brainstorming is so effective..

What happens is, these people learn from, collaborate and borrow ideas from others. Our brains make connections and associate ideas and ways to do things. So if you want to be inspired, surround yourself with people who have something to offer you. Ideas that will spur your own imagination and interests. You can learn from their different skills, which will enhance new perspectives for you.

You can start with part of an idea you have,you don't have to have all the answers. The rest of the pieces will be found in the people you meet, the things you read, the knowledge you acquire, the observations you make, the things you hear, in nature and beyond.
The answers to the inspiration you seek may not be within you right now, but it is out there, somewhere.

The answer to inspiration is a deep connection you make with yourself and all that surrounds you.

Inspiration Awaits You

If you are feeling low, and unmotivated, lost or angry you can channel these and other painful emotions into some activity until you start to feel a tiny spark of creativity, of usefulness, of a miniscule accomplishment.

And step by step, inspiration may just knock on your door and surprise you.


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