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Tips for Success in All Aspects of Life

Updated on December 13, 2012

The Success You Desire

When we achieve something that is worthwhile and important, something that we value, something that helps define the purpose of our efforts, we can say we have achieved success. Success has different meanings to each of us. Yet, it has a universal appeal as we all want to achieve some measure of success, in whatever way we define it.

The attitude you have, the beliefs you hold, the commitments you make, and the determination you give will help you achieve the success you desire.

Below are some quotes of famous successful people to give you the inspiration and realization that success is never easy for anyone.


Success means achieving something that is personally important.
Success means achieving something that is personally important. | Source

"Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally." David Frost

Success is a personal journey. It is achieving what we set out to do that brings us satisfaction,happiness, and a sense of proud, Success starts with our dreams and is done by our deeds. One key to success is to know what you want. Otherwise when you get it, you might not recognize that you have succeeded. Live your life guided by your passions. When you do what your love, you will automatically excel at it.

"Success is not final, Failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts". Winston Churchill

Determination and perseverance, there are no substitutes for what this means. Along the road to success, there are many obstacles. Often, the difference between those who have succeeded and those who have not, is that the people who succeeded, didn't quit. They went the extra distance and were not deterred, by circumstances. There will always be someone who will have something negative to say about where you are headed. But a person who is going to succeed will not listen to these words. They serve no purpose, when you can see a bigger picture, a greater purpose, and a yearning desire that someone else may not be able to understand. Your determination keeps you focused on the vision you see before you.

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." Albert Einstein

Some people define success through material possessions, or positions of power. Think about what success means to you.

"Eighty percent of success is showing up." Woody Allen

Just showing up won't guarantee success, but it stops the excuses and starts the committment.

"You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want." - Zig Ziglar

It is not necessary to be the most famous, the most successful, or the best at everything. By sharing your knowledge, you can make a contribution. Believe that what you do has value and others will too.

"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Many successful people are known for constantly giving. Giving comes in the form of talent, encouragement, their time, expertise, insights, and encouragement. People who give more than they take, who give without expecting anything back prosper in many ways.

"Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something." Morihei Ueshiba

Trying something and failing means you tried. It means you left your comfort zone, and gained from new experiences. We learn from each experience. Those who don't continue to try, may be hesitant to attempt again to protect themselves from the pain of failure. It takes self confidence, encouragement, and a gained understand to try again and again.

"There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way." Christopher Morley

The meaning of success is personal to each one of us. Each of us wants and desires different things. But a universal regret among people who thought about their lives is that they wish they would have lived a life that was true to themselves instead of doing things other people expected of them. Fulfilling your dreams and honoring your desires brings satisfaction and a feeling of success, for the choices made.

"They succeed, because they think they can." Virgil

Believing in yourself is a key to success. Guided imagery, positive thinking, and a strong self conviction makes success possible.

"The starting point of all achievement is desire." Napoleon Hill

When you desire something, you are motivated to achieve it. Motivation is the engine, desire is the fuel and together they will propel you where you want to go.

What it Takes to Be Successful

On the topic of success, there is no magic formula. With a strong belief and certain intrinsic characteristics, success is within reach.

  • Self determination and mindfulness can help you focus on what a direction you want to go.
  • Self discipline and self regulation are key behaviors that foster success.
  • Knowing your strengths and limitations help keep you realistic about what you can achieve
  • Taking control of your life and taking responsibility for what you do, both good and bad will help you learn and apply what you know.
  • Being a problem solver will help you adjust to the unexpected and obstacles that get in your way.
  • Let success be what you want it to be, not what someone else tells you success means.
  • Set milestones for yourself
  • Build on your strengths
  • Mistakes are okay, so forgive yourself for being human. You will get beyond any setback.
  • Set high, but realistic expectations.
  • Develop a road map, a strategy of how you want to get from here to there.
  • Empower yourself with people and opportunities that surround you.
  • Work hard, persevere, and know you are doing this for a higher purpose.
  • Be flexible, expect the unexpected.
  • Grow a positive support network of people around you.

We each define success differently. We all desire to be successful, to be admired for what we do, and to be rewarded for our efforts. In whatever way you define success, it has meaning to you. Success is a personal journey of reaching your own desires, feeling fulfillment from your accomplishments, and believing that it is worthwhile. However you define success, you can gain inspiration from others, and happiness from your achievements. Go beyond your comfort zone, go after what you want, and smile along the way because when everything is said and done, your success should make you feel good about who you are.

What is Success All About?

Often people who are aiming for success, they focus on the idea of getting somewhere, and sacrifice all us. People who want to gain success in their career, for example, focus on working all the time. They can become so obsessed with what they want, that they give up everything else in their lives, or take all else for granted. Success is about balance. Achieving success is not just about the big picture. It is about the building relationships, about taking care of yourself along the way, about knowing there is more than the end result.

To be successful, you need a network of people to help you get there. No man is an island, and no one ever got where they wanted to go without the help of others. Strong relationships will help you get support in ways you may not even realize at the beginning. Give and you will get. Surround yourself with people you can trust, you can turn to, and you will help too. Personal relationships are integral to helping you succeed. When you surround yourself with people you trust, and who trust you, you will be better for it. Connections are important for all you do to succeed.

What Do Successful People Do?

  • People who are successful believe in what they are doing.
  • They work hard.
  • They are focused.
  • They do what is required of them.
  • They develop their personal skills.
  • They don't look for shortcuts.
  • They understand that success doesn't happen overnight.
  • They work hard at at their achieving their success.
  • They don't give up.
  • Success is a byproduct of their desires
  • They are not deterred by failure or obstacles
  • They don't follow the crowds
  • They go above and beyond and do what others won't do
  • Mediocrity is not acceptable - average is not good enough
  • Aim high
  • Successful people are never done
  • Success breeds success
  • They see a bigger picture
  • They believe in what they are doing
  • They admit their mistakes
  • They dream big
  • They want it
  • They ask for help
  • They will never stop at failure because they try and try again.



Success is a State of Mind

Success rarely comes easily, nor does it come without mistakes, failures, and frustrating moments. A realistic perspective and a positive attitude help successful people know that nothing will deter them from the thing they envision. People are often afraid of failure, but a bump in the road doesn't mean the road is closed. Perhaps, it is failure that allows us to cherish that much more, the success we have.

Thomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors in history. He had many successes and many failures. His quotes about failure, determination and success are a source of great inspiration.

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. "

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. "

"Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless. "

"The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are: Hard work, Stick-to-itiveness, and Common sense. "

"Nearly every man who develops an idea works it up to the point where it looks impossible, and then he gets discouraged. That's not the place to become discouraged. "

As you journey down the road, seeking success, remember all those who came before you, and all they did to achieve the success you know them for. When you are thinking about quitting, try to remember all those who gave up before and never achieved success.


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