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Tips on How to Think Positive

Updated on September 19, 2012

Think Positive

Thinking Positive can change Faulty Negative Thinking
Thinking Positive can change Faulty Negative Thinking | Source

How Thinking Positive Affects Our Brains

Thinking positive begins with understanding the human brain. The brain is a dynamic and changing organ that can create new wiring to compensate for pathways that do not function as well or may be damaged from injury. The brain has the wonderful ability to learn new things, adapt, and generate new neurons.

Our brains have the ability to be elastic and malleable,or changeable. This is known as neuroplasticity. Through the brain’s ability to form new neural pathways, the brain can learn new things.

In order to make these connections, the nerve cells need to be stimulated through activity. Thinking positive can stimulate our brains to think differently. Our thoughts are related to our feelings. Our feelings affects our behavior. Change your thoughts, and you can change your world.

Change the Structure of Your Brain by Thinking Positive

By thinking positive thoughts, we may be able to change the structure of the brain and strenghten more positive feelings. When we feel more positive about things, it changes the physiological reactions our body has to everyday and specific events. As an example, a person who feels very stressed may make their breathing and heartrate faster and feel more agitated. If they feel more agitated, they may be quicker to anger. If that same person is thinking positive thoughts, they may be in a more relaxed state and be able to handle a situation in a calmer manner. Our actions can change everything that occurs from that moment forward.

Positive thinking is not a cure all for psychological disorders. Positive thinking is one component to deal with things in a healthier way, and allows us to make clearer decisions.

Distorted thoughts affect the way we look at things, and can lead to anxieties, fears, and panic attacks. Irrational thinking can be challenged by positive thinking.It is called cognitive restructuring. We can learn to control negative thoughts, to be more realistic and to let the positive thoughts lead us to a more fulfilling outcome.

Faulty Thinking Can Be Corrected by Positive Thoughts

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), is an often practiced psychotherapy treatment that uses cognitive reframing. When we reframe our thoughts, we can learn to think differently. Positive thinking is one aspect of cognitive reframing. Often it is our faulty thinking that interferes with the results we would really like to see for ourselves.

CBT is proving to be a very successful therapeutic method to deal with problems related to depression and anxiety. People who learn to change their thinking approach their daily life and the issues that arise with a renewed sense of energy, greater self confidence, and a better attitude towards various situations. Negative thoughts can lead to depression, avoidance, anxiety, and even destructive behavior. Positive thinking can help challenge the irrational that create unhealthy and self defeating habits.

Like anything else in psychology, you must be ready to accept the positive thoughts. If you are just thinking positive, but not really believing it, it won’t work. If you are feeling low or depressed, positive thinking may not help you, but counseling will.

Thinking positive needs to have a connection to something that is real and true to you.

If you are not ready to accept the positive thoughts., the next best thing to do is not give any power to the negative thoughts. You do not have to attach yourself to the thoughts that are negative. You don’t have to react, respond, or recognize these negative thoughts. Don’t give them power and they lose their effectiveness. Don’t acknowledge them and they will not serve a purpose to continue. Don’t validate them and they will fade away. As you start to feel better, you may be more ready to accept some positive thinking in your heart and in your head.

Tips on How To Think More Positive

  • Be mindful
  • Be in the present moment
  • Give yourself some quiet time to think about the positive things that happened today
  • Think of the positive aspects of your life
  • Recall some positive memories
  • Surround yourself with optimistic and happy people
  • Think of something that made you laugh
  • Close your eyes and envision some positive guided imagery
  • Let yourself feel some joy
  • Give yourself a few minutes each day to relax
  • Appreciate something about yourself
  • Accept the way things are for right now. Even if you are not happy right now, think of happier times
  • Trust yourself, trust in the universe that all will be okay, if not now, some time sooner than you think
  • Believe in yourself
  • Feel good about a small accomplishment

How to Think Positive

Here are some more tips for thinking positive. It takes time to learn new habits, but if you practice, it will become second nature in time.

  • Become aware of what topics you specifically think negatively about - focus on one area and think some positive thoughts about it. Imagine in your mind what it would feel like to you if this felt aspect felt more positive.
  • Monitor your thoughts. Try throughout the day to inject some positive thoughts and watch how it can change your perspective, your attitude, your mood.
  • Take a little time during the day to relax. Let yourself seek pleasure in the most insignificant moment. Take the time to laugh and smile, even if your day feels difficult. When your mood is better it is easier to think more positively.
  • Exercise at least 3 times a week. Follow a healthy life style and your mood will automatically improve, and your stress may be slightly dissapated. A better outlook on things will help your thoughts be more positive.
  • Probably most important is who you surround yourself with. Supportive people will help ease your stress and develop more positive thinking. Positive thinking is contagious, as is negative thinking. You are who you associate with.
  • Look for the positives in your surroundings. Negative situations and people who put you down, will increase your stress level, and impair you ability to properly manage stress.
  • Treat yourself kindly. Say nice things to yourself. Encourage good thoughts within yourself. Evaluate the negative thoughts. Challenge them if necessary, and counter them with positive thinking.
  • Daily afirmations are a good way to get in the habit of thinking positve thoughts.
  • Give yourself compliments daily for big and little things you do. Anything you say to yourself will help everyday in everyway.

Positive Thinkers

The personality traits of people who are positive thinkers
The personality traits of people who are positive thinkers | Source

The Personality of People Who Are Positive Thinkers

The Benefits of Positive Thinking

  • reduces stress
  • fills your thoughts with positive thinking instead of negative thinking
  • a ffects your attitude toward others and self
  • helps you approach a situation in a more productive way
  • longer life span
  • lowers rates of depression and distress

  • jmproves the immune system
  • reduces risk of cardiovascular disease
  • better coping skills

People who think positively have definite health advantages over people who think negatively. it is not clear why this is. One theory is that having a positive outlook helps engage better coping skills and enables that person to handle stressful situations better. Less stress is certainly better for the body and the mind. People who tend to be more positive thinkers live healthier life styles, tend to get more physical exercise, eat better, and don’t engage in riskier behavior such as smoking, drugs and drinking to excess.

People Who Are Positive Thinkers

What is behind the personality of a positive thinker? A German professor of organizational psychology at the University of Giessen believes personal initiative is one of the reasons people can think more positively. People who have personal initiative are self starters. Self starters don’t need to be told things, they will just do it because they can see what is important to do. People who are positive thinkers tend to be proactive in their behavior. They will look at the bigger picture and see opportunities now that will lead to a better future. Positive thinkers tend to be persisitent even when faced with great obstacles. They will endure beyond the struggles in order to persevere. Like a triangle, positive thinkers need all three of these aspects of their personality.

Whether these are aspects of your personality, or not, you can learn to be a positive thinker.

The Circle of Positive Thinking

It is not easy to change habits. If you are a negative thinker, it takes time to learn to approach things with a more optimistic attitude. Positive thinking yields positive moods, which will bring more positive experiences. Positive experiences will help your mental attitude to improve. A better state of mind will help you deal with stress better. You will feel better about yourself, be more self accepting, and less self critical. This will create a positive thought environment. The circle of positive thinking will envelope you and those around you.


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